Food Systems
AZ Health Zone’s work to build more food secure communities places where all people at all times have access to enough food for a healthy life. AZ Health Zone is an Arizona network with statewide partners that include health departments, the University of Arizona, Native American tribes, school districts, food banks, and non-profit agencies. Gardening helps promote healthy eating and access.
Active Living
Active Living focuses on engaging youth and adults in multiple intervention settings to include school and other youth-based programming, Community centers, and community events. We provide Direct education to adults and kids utilizing a variety of different programs. Partnering with community partners we provide additional training and education on topics to youth in La Paz County to teach them how to advocate for change in their community.
Food for Thought's mission is to create a healthy environment by showing our community members easy, low cost, and fun recipes the whole family will enjoy preparing together. Eating a well balanced meal nourishes our bodies and make us feel good. Our goal is to utilize a variety of fruits and vegetable recipes to make cooking easy to incorporate into our daily lives. All of our recipes abide by the USDA guidelines for nutrition. Like any recipe, you can modify them to meet your taste preferences and we encourage you to do so.
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