The Parker Police Department is dedicated to providing the highest level of police service to all persons within our community. Fairness, equality of justice, and the highest standards of professional ethics are our guiding principles in executing our duties and obligations. Our department is committed to improving the quality of life of those who live and work within our town by recognizing citizen needs and by forming partnerships with the community and other service providers. Parker Arizona Police Department proudly serves over 6,000 local residents and an abundance of visitors everyday. Our officers are committed to providing quality municipal law enforcement services to our residents, businesses and visitors.
Some services that we offer include:
Parker Police Explorers Prescription Pill Disposal Fingerprinting Child I.D. Cards Bike Registration Car Seat Installation Checks |
Prescription Pill Disposal Do you have unwanted or unused prescription dugs sitting in your cabinet at home? Bring them in to Parker Police Department to properly dispose of them. Properly disposing of prescription medications keeps them away from our children and out of our waterways. This box is for pills only - no liquids, inhalers, needles or creams. |
Child I.D. Cards The Parker Police Department offers Child I.D. Cards for the purpose of obtaining the most accurate and updated information for parents to provide authorities, should their child become missing. Parents or guardians should carry their child’s I.D. card at all times. It is not intended for children to carry, as it could easily be misplaced. If you would like to receive an I.D. card for your child, please bring your child and proof of identification to Parker Police Department. |