To provide La Paz County residents, businesses and industries, non-profit organizations, and local governments the education and support necessary to reduce the loss of life and human suffering; to minimize property damage; and to protect environmental sensitive areas from all types of disasters through a comprehensive, risk- based, all-hazard emergency management program. |
Vision Statement
The goal of the Office of Emergency Management is to educate the Citizens of La Paz County about their ongoing role in preparing for emergencies through education, community outreach and training. Through creating an increased emphasis on disaster preparedness, the La Paz County Emergency Management looks forward to reinforcing interdepartmental communications and cooperation throughout our County. By creating a community culture of preparedness and fostering partnerships with local public and private groups and businesses, it is our goal that La Paz County will work as community, with neighbor helping neighbor, when a disaster strikes. |
MysidewalkIs an interactive website specifically tailored around public health that provides resources and data based on our community health needs such as (education, COVID-19 services, economy, housing, healthcare, mental health services etc. it also allows you to interact with the Health Department virtually. If you have general questions or need help finding a resource you can send our navigator a message and they will follow up with you. My sidewalk will be launched in May 2021 and we invite you to check it out and leave a comment or question to let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you!